It was back in the 60s.  You had always wanted a pet, but Nannie and Poppy were strict and laid down the law that there shall be no pets in their household.

    Then one afternoon while playing in the bathroom, you came across something floating in the toilet.  It was small, oblong, and brownish, and oh-so-cute.  Rebellious, you decided to break the rules and keep it as your pet.  You named it "Wally".

    You knew Nannie would go ape-shit if she ever found him, so you put Wally in an old Mayonnaise jar and poked some holes in the top of it so he could breathe.  To be on the safe side, you hid Wally under the bed in Pam's room.

    All that week you snuck in and visited Wally, giving him little snacks and sometimes letting him out of the jar for a few minutes at a time.

    But the life of a young boy is quite busy, and soon you were only coming to visit Wally every few days.  And then about a month later when you went into Pam's room to say hi to the old feller, you discovered to your horror that Wally was gone!  You searched through Pam's room, upturning tables, emptying drawers, but no dice.  No luck in Lucia's, Paula's, Stephen and BOOG's rooms either.  (You were too afraid to enter Nannie and Poppy's room.)

    Then a little later on when you entered the bathroom to take a leak, there next to the toilet was little Wally's mayonnaise jar - emptied.


    You knew right away it was her.  Pam had flushed Wally down the toilet.

    How could she do that?  So thoughtless.  So cruel.

    You confronted her, but walked away with swollen sack.

    You just can't reason with some people.

    Still, there's always been something strangely alluring about Pam...

    Confront Pam again.

    Adjust underwear.

    Check toilet for a new pet.